WhatsApp Image 2023-02-11 at 2.11.13 AM


Ever felt a lack of confidence at work?

Would it not be helpful if you could boost confidence in your skills and abilities in the workplace?

Here are some tips you can use at work to boost confidence in yourself.

• Build on your strengths

Focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses.

Applaud what you already do well, and make an effort to refine your better qualities.

It’s a great confidence boost to do something excellently rather than adequately.

• Ask questions

Never be afraid to ask questions where you lack knowledge.

Doing a task incorrectly because you don’t fully understand it is not a good way to boost confidence.

If you’re ever unsure of how to perform a task, ask for help.

Additionally, don’t go about a project without fully understanding the brief, ask for clarification of what precisely is required in other to avoid messing up and lowering your confidence.

• Set small achievable goals

• Rinse and repeat

Practice is the cornerstone of success. But it’s not just practice, you have to correct mistakes along the way.

Every time you complete a task, ask yourself how you could improve on the gains made.

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