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How to work smarter and faster (Time vs Energy)

There always seems to be more to do than time permits and even when you know how to manage your time, sometimes it can feel like it isn’t enough.

Scheduling every minute of free time to increase productivity may seem like a good use of time, but it doesn’t account for the need to replenish energy.

But time management isn’t the only way to manage work. What if you were to manage your energy, not your time?.

Over time, a lack of energy can cause a dip in productivity, even when there’s more than enough time to get the required tasks done.

Here are five steps to help you manage your energy instead of your time

• Start by setting your boundaries

• Include rest and recovery in your plans

• Schedule time for deep and inner work

Deep work requires a lot of energy so make sure to schedule your deep work at a time when your energy is highest.

• Keep a journal of your energy levels

To help you better manage your energy and get more done, keep a journal of what energizes you and drains you.

• Learn to delegate

By managing your energy instead of your time, you can not only become more productive but also more fulfilled in your work. You’re in a better position to accomplish your goals when you’re not overworked and exhausted.

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