The secret to managing change at work

The Secret To Managing Change At Work

The secret to managing change at work

Sometimes it seems like the moment you settle into a comfortable pattern at work, something ends up altering and disrupting it! You might be required to use a totally new piece of software, assume more responsibility, or assigned to a new supervisor, who is not familiar with the company’s mode of operation.

Working through change isn’t always simple. Many people react initially with fear, annoyance, confusion, or a combination of all of the above.

However, not everyone approaches change in the same manner. Both individuals who welcome change and those who are resistant to it can be found in the workplace. What’s the dividing line?

It’s frequently a combination two factors:

  1. How effectively the change team handles and communicates the change project.
  2. The employee’s personal perspective on the development.

There are some strategies you can adopt to assist you manage the process of change at the workplace, even if you can’t stop a transformation that affects your daily routine.

Adapting to Change at Work

The developer of Bridges Transition Model for change, William Bridges states, “We resist transition not because we can’t accept the change, but because we can’t accept letting go of that piece of ourselves that we have to give up, when and because the situation has changed.”

The secret to managing change at work, is realizing that there is always an emotional component to any kind of change.

Change implies an end to the way things are now done, and it’s not just a shift in the process; it’s also a change that can be extremely personal, because it entails letting go of routines and behaviors that may have developed into second nature. It entails entering a less familiar territory and having to learn specific processes all over again.

In order to effectively manage change at work, you must be self-aware of your feelings about the change and dig deeper than your initial response to learn WHY it is happening.

For instance, you might have worry about a change at work that will affect your position, making you ignore all other thing being said to you about the change.

You can assert, “Things were OK the way they were” or “I’ve done all I can, there’s nothing else for me to do.”

You might acknowledge your fear if you look deeper into the emotions that are driving your feelings and how poorly you’re adjusting to change at work.

Fear of not being able to learn the new process, or of not being able to keep up with new responsibilities, and thereby having to be relieved of the job.

These are completely natural feelings that any change management team will anticipate and address.

In order to reach the point where you can easily accept change in the workplace, you must go through a number of stages.

It’s up to you to be open to managing the shift in the workplace, ask questions to help reduce your first emotional response, and bring yourself to a position of embracing change at work.

At Prime KBS Institute’s Change Management Workshop, our subject-matter experts explore the most common factors that drive inflection points – crisis, technological evolution, process reviews, consumer habit changes, pressure from new business entrants, acquisitions, mergers, organizational restructuring, and many more. Our change management experts are trained to assist you along the way.

5 Major Key Elements Your Business Needs to Thrive

5 Major Key Elements Your Business Needs to Thrive

Before we talk about the 5 major key elements your business needs to thrive,

What exactly makes a good team culture?

Innovation, excellence, and excellent service delivery are all wonderful shared values for team culture, these are three crucial aspects that must be imbued in every company’s team culture, regardless of the nature of the organization or the team’s function.

However, it is also imperative for you lay the groundwork for your team’s peculiar culture.

You can use the following principles as the cornerstone of a positive team culture:

  1. Communication: Everyone should have access to the knowledge they require to carry out their work.
  2. Trust: Workers are given the freedom to complete their tasks without being micromanaged.
  3. Teamwork: Rather than competing with one another, employees collaborate together to achieve a common objective.
  4. Knowledge sharing: Team members ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn rather than hoarding knowledge, which benefits the business.
  5. Support: Employees assist one another in completing tasks as needed, reducing stress and burnout. They are responsible for benefits such as employee well-being, retention, productivity, and business performance.

With these 5 major attributes, we are close to creating our winning team.

Click to read more about our workshops Today

7 steps to developing a strong team culture

7 Steps To Developing A Strong Team Culture

A great company team culture begins at the top.

As a business owner, you must consider what you want your company to promote and achieve.

Then you must devise a strategy for bringing your employees on board.

Creating a strong team culture entails more than just providing free lunches and other benefits.

Look over these steps to see how to get started.

1. Brainstorm team values

The great thing about creating a work culture is that you, as a company leader, get to decide what you want the culture to be.

Consider the values you want your company and its employees to embody.

Do you want to be a culture of honesty, for example; Fairness? Service? Learning? Reflection?

You may want to be all of these things, but think about what is most important for your company and brand. For example; what message do you want to send to both your employees and your customers?

You can solicit employee input on team values at this stage, depending on the size of your company. It is also acceptable to develop your team culture vision on your own.

A team culture that works for company A may not work for company B, therefore, it is advisable to engage Prime KBS Institute to strategically structure a plan that will help determine the best team culture that will work for you and your company/brand.


2. Gather inspiration from other workplaces

Next, consider companies you admire, whether they are in your industry or not.

What distinguishes them? What aspects of their culture appeals to you?

It’s a good idea to look at companies both within and outside of your industry. You should also look at companies of similar size as well as larger companies to see how values change, as companies grow.

Take note of how other workplaces communicate their team culture and shared values.

Consider how you can incorporate these concepts into your own workplace culture. How will you communicate your company’s values to your team? How are you going to motivate them to embrace the new team culture?

3. Describe what being a team player looks like.

Now that you know what your team’s cultural values are, it’s time to consider how your culture should really operate.

Come up with concrete examples of how to live out each value in the workplace for each one.

Consider what it implies for each team in your company if, for instance, providing outstanding service is one of your core values.

For the customer support team, this probably entails finding a speedy solution to client issues. Alternatively, it might imply going above and above to make them as pleased as possible.

However, you should also consider how service is provided in roles that are not customer-facing. How will human resources embody your service-oriented culture?

The easier it is for your staff to adjust to the new team culture, the more explicit you may be. Be as specific as possible to prevent any misunderstandings, because ambiguous values make it difficult to comprehend what is necessary.

4. Let your employees know what you expect.

Your idea of what the culture of your team should be by this point should be fairly obvious.

It’s now appropriate to share your vision with the staff, so do so.

In a more informal atmosphere, if possible, go over with your team members the expectations for team culture. This might give a pleasant break for your employees and lessen some of the burden of the workweek.

To make it even more appealing, think about providing a complimentary lunch or another benefit.

Create a dialogue rather than a lecture as you explain your idea for a fantastic team culture.
Give staff members space to discuss incorporating team culture into their work, provide feedback, and have informal conversations.


5. Create your dream team culture.

Your team will look to you for leadership as they adopt the culture.

Therefore, it’s critical to uphold your company’s ideals. Set a greater bar for yourself than you do for your workers.

Give your staff constructive criticism and direction as they adjust. Everyone should work together to choose the best method to embody the company’s values in their particular work context as the team culture is implemented.

This approach could take some time if you’re attempting to alter the established corporate culture. That’s alright! Be patient, set a good example for your team, and take every chance to help them develop a positive team culture.


6. Give your team the resources they need to preserve your team culture.

Make sure the team has all the resources necessary to effectively implement your team culture for the highest chance of success.

This could take the form of updated communication tools, improved customer service procedures or systems, or team culture-related training.

For instance, offer formal training on inclusion and diversity, as 70% of firms currently do, if diversity is one of your core principles.

You might also offer stipends or scholarships for training, conferences, and online courses if you’re trying to foster a culture of learning.

Basically, you want to be sure that you’re only asking people to do things for which they have the necessary equipment.

7. Gather employee feedback

If you developed your team culture expectations independently, you can discover that they are too high for the present reality at your organization.

For instance, if you implement new customer service procedures, it’s possible that they’ll overwork that staff and fall short of your expectations.

Ask for and use employee feedback as often as you can to fix this. If your team culture values collaboration, this is especially crucial.

Make sure your team culture always serves your customers and employees, not complicates matters.

Start establishing a productive team culture right away.

The ability of your team to interact, create, and even earn income is impacted. However, team culture does not develop by accident.

You must establish what you want your team’s culture to be, specify your team’s expectations, and set an example by acting in a way that is consistent with your company’s values.

You’ll then be able to collaborate with your team to develop and nurture your company’s culture going ahead. 

6. Give your team the resources they need to preserve your team culture.

Make sure the team has all the resources necessary to effectively implement your team culture for the highest chance of success.

This could take the form of updated communication tools, improved customer service procedures or systems, or team culture-related training.

For instance, offer formal training on inclusion and diversity, as 70% of firms currently do, if diversity is one of your core principles.

You might also offer stipends or scholarships for training, conferences, and online courses if you’re trying to foster a culture of learning.

Basically, you want to be sure that you’re only asking people to do things for which they have the necessary equipment.

7. Gather employee feedback

If you developed your team culture expectations independently, you can discover that they are too high for the present reality at your organization.

For instance, if you implement new customer service procedures, it’s possible that they’ll overwork that staff and fall short of your expectations.

Ask for and use employee feedback as often as you can to fix this. If your team culture values collaboration, this is especially crucial.

Make sure your team culture always serves your customers and employees, not complicates matters.

Start establishing a productive team culture right away.

The ability of your team to interact, create, and even earn income is impacted. However, team culture does not develop by accident.

You must establish what you want your team’s culture to be, specify your team’s expectations, and set an example by acting in a way that is consistent with your company’s values.

You’ll then be able to collaborate with your team to develop and nurture your company’s culture going ahead.

As a company owner, there are 10 tips you must know to increase the workforce’s motivation levels in your company

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10 tips for increasing the workforce's motivation levels

10 tips for increasing the workforce’s motivation levels

10 tips for increasing the workforce’s motivation levels

1. Be the visionary

Everyone wants to be sure that their efforts are moving in the right direction. What will happen next? What does the business definition of success entail? Make sure the company’s vision is clear because having a goal in mind helps to inspire the journey.

2. Ensure that everyone is aware of the “why”

Your staff will be aware of what needs to be done, but you must go beyond and clarify the “why” behind each work. The purpose of the business is its overall goal. Even the simplest task gains much-needed motivation,  if everyone is aware of how their individual efforts might contribute to the company’s overarching goal.

3. Establish regular, specific goals

Smaller goals are the key to motivation, even while your firm undoubtedly has enormous goals that it wants to achieve. Although each goal should contribute to the broader objective, it feels less daunting to divide it into smaller, more manageable tasks. Employees will be more motivated to move on to the next set of goals if they consistently accomplish their targets, which will increase their sense of satisfaction.

4. Honor and recognize excellent work

It’s important for workers to understand that their supervisors value their effort. Recognizing deserving individuals boosts not only one’s own self-worth but also one’s enthusiasm and team spirit.

An efficient method for praising top achievers who uphold your company’s principles is a recognition platform. However, we advise going over and beyond and thanking your teams for more significant events, like a 10-year work anniversary or employee of the month.

5. Grant your team freedom.

Time is valuable. Consequently, motivation levels can drastically decline when we don’t feel in control of our time and energy. Allowing some independence in the office, whether it be flexible working hours or unrestricted vacation time, shows employees that their bosses have their best interests in mind. This increases motivation because it gives people the sense of power and freedom to do a task successfully.

6. Establish a friendly workplace.

Nobody wants to spend all day dreading going home while sitting in a dismal office. Employees will look forward to going to work if employers foster a welcoming culture and provide spaces for rest and play. Here, the adage “work hard, play hard” is crucial. Since motivation and mood are intertwined, a bad mood can impair concentration and reduce the level of energy at work.

7. Present enticing rewards/incentives

Make everyone feel as though they are doing their finest work possible. Offering employee perks and benefits, such as the extensive selection on our perks platform, as well as fringe benefits that are intended to improve your employees’ lives, both inside and outside of the workplace can assist to uplift morale and foster a sense of loyalty to the business.

8. Promote teamwork

Collaboration within the organization’s teams enables the further development of ideas. Working with people that have varied skill sets will lead to results that are more innovative. There is strength in numbers in teams, therefore anyone who is lacking motivation should have support from others around them.

9. Plan your career route

Nobody likes to stay still for too long. All of us desire direction so that we can concentrate on the next action. Employees should be asked what they want out of their careers, and then given clear instructions on how to get there. Design a career path with team members, through growth discussions; this will inspire them to advance to the next level and give them hope for a lengthy and fruitful journey inside the organization.

10. Encourage staff well-being

Some organizations frequently ignore wellness while using motivational techniques.

It is without a doubt a powerful motivator to use incentives as an incentive. However, no matter how hard they try, a worker won’t create their best job if they are feeling worn out or overworked.

Taking a holistic approach to wellbeing means treating your team’s mental, emotional, and physical health. This is a fantastic method to keep them in good health, joyful, and competitive spirits.

6 steps to improve staff productivity in the last quarter of 2022

6 Steps to Improve Staff Productivity In this last Quarter of 2022

The success of a team’ productivity is influenced by the culture of the squad!

A formidable team culture gives your staff a sense of belonging, and direction. Higher engagements and retentions result from this common goal.

Why is workplace team culture important?

How your organization runs business, is determined by your team culture and shared values.

The culture of a team has a significant impact on its productivity. At Prime KBS Institute Limited (PKBSIL), our conducted studies have produced criteria’s that can help in developing a winning team culture, unique to different companies. These criterions include.

  • By selecting the best candidates
  • Collaborating with trustworthy clients
  • Forming profitable business alliances

All these affects your connections both inside and outside of the organization.

To know more about what team culture is – read more

Are you wondering how beneficial this will be to your company?

Incredibly so.

Creating an effective team culture for your business has the following business advantages:

  1. Employees who are more involved provide greater results and are frequently more effective and productive.
  2. Reduced Turnover: Staff who are engaged are less inclined to look for other employment, which lowers the costs associated with hiring new employees.
  3. Collaboration improves because of a culture of teamwork; this invariably gives employees opportunities to interact and collaborate on solving issues.
  4. Improve Employee Retention:  77 percent of businesses put a special emphasis on the employee experience. According to 38% of talent professionals, developing an inspirational team culture is an amazing area for growth for businesses.
  5. Increased productivity: Workers who care about the organization, its culture, and its mission are frequently more productive, enabling you to manage more work without recruiting additional staff. An inspired employee can sometimes be 125 percent more productive than one who is merely pleased, claims some studies.
  6. Opportunities for innovation exist because productive, cooperative employees frequently generate and implement innovative ideas. Your team and your company will advance thanks to this kind of innovation.

Different team cultures will yield different outcomes. Depending on what matters most to your business.

Prime KBS Institute is an organization, which has consistently assisted different organizations in figuring out which team culture best suits them.

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Nigeria, other African countries are approaching the Pbps era as Internet bandwidth capacity increases to 44%.

In the previous four years, international Internet bandwidth capacity in Nigeria and other regions of Africa has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 44%.

The growth rate between 2018 and 2022 has been regarded as rapid, with Asia sitting next to Africa, expanding at a 35% compound annual rate of 35% during the same period.

TeleGeography, a global telecommunications market research and consulting firm, revealed this in its latest Global Internet Geography research, which tracks the continued return to ‘normal’ from the pandemic-generated bump of 2020, and noted that, COVID bump aside, the pace of growth has been slowing on a global scale.

According to the study, global Internet bandwidth would increase by 28% in 2022, reaching 997 Tbps with a four-year CAGR of 29%.

According to TeleGeography, the Petabyte per second (Pbps) era will begin soon. It emphasized that, despite the slower rate of increase, worldwide Internet bandwidth has nearly tripled since 2018.

It indicated that the rise in international Internet bandwidth and traffic remained similar, with average and peak international Internet traffic increasing at a compound annual rate of 30% between 2018 and 2022, just slightly higher than the CAGR in bandwidth of 29% during the same time.

According to TeleGeography, after the COVID-19 traffic surge in 2020, a global return to more regular usage patterns resulted in a reduction in average and peak utilisation rates. It stated that average traffic growth fell from 47% in 2019-2020 to 29% in 2021-2022, while peak traffic growth fell from 46% to 28% within the same time period.

“After a stormy 2020 – with pandemic-induced volume surges and shifts in Internet traffic patterns – network operators are back to adding bandwidth and engineering their traffic in a more methodical manner,” stated TeleGeography Senior Research Manager Paul Brodsky. According to hard survey data acquired from dozens of regional and global network operators around the world, the COVID-related increase in Internet traffic and capacity was a one-time occurrence.”

According to TeleGeography, several global networks have begun to revert to more normal post-pandemic utilization rates.

In both 2021 and 2022, global average and peak utilisation rates were nearly unchanged from the previous year, at 26% and 45%, respectively.

In terms of pricing, the study found that providers’ transition to 100 Gbps Internet backbones continues to lower the average cost of transporting traffic. From Q2 2019 to Q2 2022, 10 GigE prices declined 16% compounded yearly across seven major global hub locations, while 100 GigE port prices fell 25%.

It stated that the combination of new Internet-enabled gadgets, increased broadband penetration in developing markets, higher broadband access rates, and bandwidth-intensive apps will continue to fuel substantial Internet traffic growth.

While end-user traffic requirements will continue to climb, TeleGeography believes that not all of this demand will transfer directly into the need for new long-haul capacity.

According to the analysis, a number of factors will influence how the global Internet evolves in the next years. These include the Post-COVID-19 growth trajectory, according to it. It noted that preliminary evidence suggests that the pandemic’s spike in bandwidth and traffic growth in 2020 was a one-time event and that the world has largely returned to more traditional rates of growth, emphasizing that operators indicated they no longer see the pandemic causing upward adjustments to their demand forecasts.

The paper also addressed the problem of bypassing the public Internet. It stated that the top content providers have long operated huge networks, emphasizing that these corporations are experiencing faster growth than Internet backbones and are expanding into new locations.

Many other organizations, including cloud service providers, CDNs, and even some data center owners, are constructing their own private backbones that circumvent the public Internet, according to the report. “As a result, these networks may carry a growing amount of international traffic,” it said.


Buhari applauds regulators for stabilizing the banking sector.

President Muhammadu Buhari has stated that the global economic headwinds caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may have destabilized the Nigerian financial system but for the inventiveness of the sector’s regulators.

Speaking yesterday in Abuja at the 15th annual banking and finance conference of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN), Buhari praised the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC), the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), the National Insurance Commission, and other key stakeholders for their hard work in ensuring the country’s financial system’s stability.

Mrs Zainab Ahmed, Minister of Finance, Budget, and National Planning, represented the President, who assured the entire banking and finance community that the government would continue to support the industry in all appropriate ways to ensure the sector continues to deliver on its mandates while creating value innovation for its customers.

Buhari stated that what Nigerians urgently require is a Nigeria of the future that leverages its strengths, competencies, and cultural diversity to address the challenges that plague its people, ranging from climate change to pandemics and insecurity, and that the “government will continue to formulate and implement policies aimed at promoting self-sufficiency in critical areas such as energy, agriculture, health, and technologies.”

Buhari also stated that throughout the last seven years, his administration has supported the repositioning of the Nigerian economy within an evolving Glocal (global and local) environment through numerous initiatives.

He cited initiatives such as the government’s support for Nigeria’s creative industry, indigenous small and medium-sized businesses, and the agricultural sector, which have increased the capacity of indigenous enterprises to compete with counterparts from other countries, while reiterating that current efforts would be sustained and expanded to more sectors of the economy.

Farouk Gumel, Chairman of Union Bank, who delivered the keynote address, advocated for banks to have a stronger physical presence in rural areas, saying, “there has been a lot of talk about closing branches in rural areas and being more efficient, but I think what is needed at this time is re-branching of banks into smaller entities such as rural branches that are targeted at meeting the banking needs of rural dwellers.” We no longer want large branches, but rather smaller and smarter branches whose goal will be to provide financial services adapted to the needs of rural people, the majority of whom are farmers.”

Gumel emphasized that great progress has been achieved in the last six years to bring banking to rural communities.

“In recent decades, the discussions have centered on food, agriculture, farmers, and the fintech sub-sector. I believe that there has been a lot of awareness, which has resulted in a lot of interest and investment. People talk about revolution all the time, but I believe it is more of an evolution. It is tough to change people’s attitudes overnight. Changing behaviors requires time and effort. While a result, expectations must be moderated as we work our way to our desired destination.”

Ken Opara, the Institute’s President/Chairman of the Council, stated that innovation is bringing forth new ways of doing things that are transforming the landscape of the financial services business more than ever before.

“As a result of the dynamics,” he continued, “the financial services sector will need to respond to this transition considerably faster.” Services, goods, and technical advancements that were novel and valuable yesterday will be obsolete today. It is a reality that the financial services industry has changed faster in the previous few years than at any other period in history.”

He stated that, as the world evolves, the financial services industry will need to explore innovation and reorganize its operations in order to succeed in the future.

Team Culture - Winning Team

How to Build and Maintain Winning Team Cultures

Amazing team cultures you read about at businesses such as Google and Apple, are often built on the following


The success of a team is heavily influenced by the culture of the squad. How to create a winning team culture is a topic of research at Prime KBS Institute Limited.

What comes to mind when you consider the type of business you’d like to work for?

Probably free lunches and flexible work hours may be the types of benefits that come to mind first,

but dig a little deeper.

What aspects of your job makes you feel satisfied and accomplished?

The good news is that as a company leader, you can create the ideal team environment in your business.

Before we dive in,

Let’s understand what team culture is…

Team culture is a way of working together that is founded on common attitudes, values, and beliefs. It draws attention to a company’s most crucial aspects and has an effect on every aspect of your business.

A company’s culture of teamwork can make or break it. While a bad or poisonous team culture, results in high turnover and other unhealthy issues. A healthy team tradition promotes collaboration and inspires personnel.

At the moment, 43% of workers are looking for a supportive team environment. Indeed, for these job seekers, it ranks highly.

Why you should have good team cultures before your next recruits…. Read more

Executives believe that a firm’s employees contribute 72% of its value, so it makes sense to consider how you can foster a business culture that everyone wants to be a part of.

how did i get it wrong (1)

When Should I Expect Results From New Employees?

As an employer or recruiter, you may occasionally feel that hiring new employees who aren’t performing as planned was a mistake. Then you wonder…

How did I get it wrong?

You ask yourself, when should I expect result from a new employee?

You definitely don’t want to go through the employment and recruitment process again.

A gap between a candidate’s appearance during the interview process, and their genuine selves once they join the team, is something that almost all of the leaders we’ve spoken to over the years claim they’ve encountered.

We created an easy four-step exam to assist you.

The next time you employ new talent, learn how to use it.

1. First, determine whether the team is a good fit.

We, at Prime KBS Institute, can help you do some research, and you’ll quickly learn that the very first factor in figuring out whether a new employee will be successful in your company, is how they get along with and cooperate with your current employees.

Ideally, your hiring procedure identifies a new employee who is a natural fit for your organization’s culture and team dynamics. But don’t just hire them and tick the “excellent fit” box.

Remember to keep an eye out to see whether the person actually fits with the team, or if they are an outsider once they are in the office. They need to perform admirably in that capacity and offer the team fresh perspectives and concepts.

But exercise patience.

Everyone needs a few weeks to settle in and feel like a part of the team, especially introverts. Assure your new employee from day one that they are valued and appreciated. Their chances of success will increase and their anxiousness will decrease.

2. Pay attention to 45.

Are you aware that within the first 45 days of employment, up to 20% of employees can leave?

Most employees start looking for new opportunities as soon as they begin to feel uneasy. It’s important to follow up with a new employee frequently within the first 45 days. You’ve done some things well if, after that time, they look comfortable being a part of your team. They’re settling in well if they don’t hesitate to ask questions and reach out to peers and mentors.

However, if they are still having trouble understanding the business viewpoint, the industry expertise, or the company policies they need to know to succeed, it is your duty as their leader to pay closer attention to their needs and make adjustments.

After 45 days, check in and evaluate. It’s critical for leaders to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of a new recruit, which calls for ongoing care.

It’s also a good idea to make a checklist to make sure you’re doing everything you can to engage each new employee, even though they will all be different.

3. Be aware of the J-curve.

The J curve often illustrates the performance of investments.

For instance, the first income from an investment is negative since the investor must spend money on product development, research, and distribution. However, the initial investment pays off and generates money as the product gains popularity. The curve, when plotted out, resembles the letter J because it first lowers and then bends upward into a slope.

This same principle, as stated by Inc., also holds true for new employees. New employees start by learning from the team’s experience, insight, and guidance. They need upfront time and financial expenditures in order to thrive. When they get to know your team and your procedures, it’s expected that it will take them some time to get beyond the downward learning curve. But, it’s your responsibility as the manager to keep an eye on things and make sure your new employee doesn’t end up at the bottom of the J’s dip.

Encourage, educate, and give them power. Keep your door open to inquiries. Create a strategy to assist your new hire in continuing to develop and learn using whichever approach best suits your culture.

4. Witness their transformation from competent to outstanding.

When a worker progresses from producing good work to producing exceptional work, it represents a fundamental change rather than just a fantastic outcome. It represents the difference between just following instructions and genuinely innovating—pushing the edge and making a statement.

This is the difference between decent work and exceptional work. It’s that tiny bit of magic you hoped would come with the person you hired—that they would add something extra unique to the position.

Additionally, that transition from performing well, according to instructions, and simply meeting expectations to delivering something outstanding, is crucial for the new employee, as well as the business. Making a significant difference with their work is one of the top concerns in the workplace, according to workers of all ages.

Improved company results and employee satisfaction…. There is no greater recipe for a new employee’s achievement.

As one can’t be too certain about what the challenges are, without doing some research. Since you hadn’t really checked in since the first few weeks and you’d completely missed the 45-day benchmark, you won’t know.

Let’s discuss this issue in a group context, and we’ll find a solution.

With the wrong team, even the best hiring could not be successful.

For more insightful tips like this and training, contact us Today.

how soon should I expect result from a new employee?

When Should I Expect Results From New Employees?

how soon should I expect result from a new employee?

As an employer or recruiter, you may occasionally feel that hiring new employees who aren’t performing as planned was a mistake. Then you wonder…

How did I get it wrong?

You ask yourself, when should I expect result from a new employee?

You definitely don’t want to go through the employment and recruitment process again.

A gap between a candidate’s appearance during the interview process, and their genuine selves once they join the team, is something that almost all of the leaders we’ve spoken to over the years claim they’ve encountered.

We created an easy four-step exam to assist you.

The next time you employ new talent, learn how to use it.

1. First, determine whether the team is a good fit.

We, at Prime KBS Institute, can help you do some research, and you’ll quickly learn that the very first factor in figuring out whether a new employee will be successful in your company, is how they get along with and cooperate with your current employees.

Ideally, your hiring procedure identifies a new employee who is a natural fit for your organization’s culture and team dynamics. But don’t just hire them and tick the “excellent fit” box.

Remember to keep an eye out to see whether the person actually fits with the team, or if they are an outsider once they are in the office. They need to perform admirably in that capacity and offer the team fresh perspectives and concepts.

But exercise patience.

Everyone needs a few weeks to settle in and feel like a part of the team, especially introverts. Assure your new employee from day one that they are valued and appreciated. Their chances of success will increase and their anxiousness will decrease.

2. Pay attention to 45.

Are you aware that within the first 45 days of employment, up to 20% of employees can leave?

Most employees start looking for new opportunities as soon as they begin to feel uneasy. It’s important to follow up with a new employee frequently within the first 45 days. You’ve done some things well if, after that time, they look comfortable being a part of your team. They’re settling in well if they don’t hesitate to ask questions and reach out to peers and mentors.

However, if they are still having trouble understanding the business viewpoint, the industry expertise, or the company policies they need to know to succeed, it is your duty as their leader to pay closer attention to their needs and make adjustments.

After 45 days, check in and evaluate. It’s critical for leaders to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of a new recruit, which calls for ongoing care.

It’s also a good idea to make a checklist to make sure you’re doing everything you can to engage each new employee, even though they will all be different.

3. Be aware of the J-curve.

The J curve often illustrates the performance of investments.

For instance, the first income from an investment is negative since the investor must spend money on product development, research, and distribution. However, the initial investment pays off and generates money as the product gains popularity. The curve, when plotted out, resembles the letter J because it first lowers and then bends upward into a slope.

This same principle, as stated by Inc., also holds true for new employees. New employees start by learning from the team’s experience, insight, and guidance. They need upfront time and financial expenditures in order to thrive. When they get to know your team and your procedures, it’s expected that it will take them some time to get beyond the downward learning curve. But, it’s your responsibility as the manager to keep an eye on things and make sure your new employee doesn’t end up at the bottom of the J’s dip.

Encourage, educate, and give them power. Keep your door open to inquiries. Create a strategy to assist your new hire in continuing to develop and learn using whichever approach best suits your culture.

4. Witness their transformation from competent to outstanding.

When a worker progresses from producing good work to producing exceptional work, it represents a fundamental change rather than just a fantastic outcome. It represents the difference between just following instructions and genuinely innovating—pushing the edge and making a statement.

This is the difference between decent work and exceptional work. It’s that tiny bit of magic you hoped would come with the person you hired—that they would add something extra unique to the position.

Additionally, that transition from performing well, according to instructions, and simply meeting expectations to delivering something outstanding, is crucial for the new employee, as well as the business. Making a significant difference with their work is one of the top concerns in the workplace, according to workers of all ages.

Improved company results and employee satisfaction…. There is no greater recipe for a new employee’s achievement.

As one can’t be too certain about what the challenges are, without doing some research. Since you hadn’t really checked in since the first few weeks and you’d completely missed the 45-day benchmark, you won’t know.

Let’s discuss this issue in a group context, and we’ll find a solution.

With the wrong team, even the best hiring could not be successful.

For more insightful tips like this and training, contact us Today.