3 Simple Ways to Motivate Your Team Members

Make any job great with a few small changes.

Theories on motivation have long predicted that a baseline satisfaction score could be decreased or increased by peripheral factors. In other words, a job may be “an 8,” but if the boss brings muffins every morning, the gig is really “a 10.”

Managers are often exposed to a wide range of concerns from their employees, and as the new boss, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Thankfully, simple and affordable strategies are available to every manager to increase job satisfaction.

1 Communicate openly and often

Communicate openly and often.

The number one problem people have with their bosses? A lack of communication.

Engage in meaningful conversations with your team members through weekly one-on-ones. Give them timely feedback and provide any support they might need.

That said, avoid excessive or inappropriate communication such as adding them on social media or sending unsolicited emails at night and on the weekends.

2 Prioritize employee well-being.

Get the basics right – employees report that air quality, natural light, and comfortable

temperatures matter more to them than perks like gym memberships or access to tech-based health tools.

Bring healthy and delicious snacks to work for your team, or advocate for your company to provide these in the kitchenette for free. Encourage your star performers to nap on the job, and empower people to sign off at a reasonable hour.

3 Get “autonomy” right.

A majority of knowledge workers indicated in a recent survey that flexibility is more important to them than salary or other benefits. Even so, complete autonomy or an attitude of “Do what you want” can leave people confused.

Work to find the right balance for your team. The goal is to make each person feel trusted, responsible, and accountable for their work, but also provide them with support when they need it.

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What Is Workplace Nepotism?

Nepotism in the workplace, derived from the Italian word for nephew, refers to hiring and promotion decisions that favor relatives. The term was coined by Catholic Popes, who frequently appointed their nephews to high-ranking and important positions in the church.

Today, nepotism is still prevalent in many fields, including business, politics, and sports. There are two types of workplace nepotism: hereditary (appointing family members and relatives to positions) and matrimonial (appointing an employee’s spouse to the same organization or department where the employee already works).

Nepotism in organizations can have both positive and negative consequences. On the plus side, nepotism can foster loyalty and trust within an organization.

On the other hand, Nepotism is mostly negative because it can breed resentment and distrust among team members who believe they were passed over for a promotion because they are not the boss’s relatives or family.

According to Wikipedia, nepotism is the practice of those in positions of power or influence favoring relatives or friends, particularly by hiring them. This practice has become so common in the country that each zone has its own name for it, but the general term is “Man-know-man” or “I M.” In fact, there is an old adage that goes, “If an abomination remains for too long, it becomes part of the people’s culture.” In today’s Nigeria, nepotism has become part of the unwelcome culture, particularly when it comes to political patronage. Unfortunately, some people have been forced to accept it without question.

Nepotism promotes laziness because if a young man realizes that, whether he works hard or not, there is a job waiting for him somewhere due to his father or mother’s success, he will ask himself, “What then is the need to work hard?” But, for a young man who understands that he has no firm anchor or support from anyone or community; who understands that his destiny is in his own hands; who understands that if he does not deny himself some pleasure even when his peers are enjoying, his hope of a better tomorrow becomes a pipe dream if he does not move from his comfort zone to shape his tomorrow.

However, when he works harder to get his due, nepotism will only deny him that unless he demonstrates stubborn resilience by going the extra mile to satisfy the law of extra miles before it sparks divine intervention in his favor.

planning and change


What is a change management plan?

A change management plan is a process that a company uses to implement changes throughout the organization. Change management plans are commonly used for large or complex organizational changes that necessitate a more strategic approach due to the impact on someone’s job.

Strategy for change management plan

Your plan will vary depending on the needs of your organization, but each change management plan should include some of the following:

  • Clearly defined objectives

Your change management plan’s objectives should be straightforward:

  1. Inform your organization of the change.
  2. Assist those who will be directly affected by the change in adapting.

Each of these changes has its own set of objectives. Whatever those objectives are, the core objectives of your change management plan should be to inform everyone about the changes and to guide those who will be directly affected by them.

  • Clear communication

Communication is essential in any interaction, but it is especially important when it comes to organizational change. Change frequently involves multiple moving parts that must be communicated clearly so that no one is left in the dark.

Along with establishing goals and expectations, your communication should leave room for feedback from your team to respond to and offer suggestions about the changes.

  • Training

A significant enough organizational change to warrant a change management plan will almost certainly include new features or procedures that your employees will need to learn. Meetings and training sessions provide excellent opportunities for your team to gain hands-on experience with the changes and ask questions in a safe setting where everyone learns together.

tip of communication


1. Sort the information

Recognizing the different types of information that are shared within your company is one of the most crucial business communication skills. This enables you to communicate the appropriate information to the appropriate audience.

2. Modify your communication plan according to the size of your company.

A start-up with 10 people will communicate differently than a medium-sized or large corporation because businesses come in many various forms and sizes. Your communication methods and manner should be appropriate for the workplace.

3. Make internal communications better.

One of the main issues of HR and communication professionals is improving internal communication. Companies have been employing tools like corporate newspapers, bulletins, emails, and intranets for years.

4. Encourage interpersonal interaction

Make sure the workspace is set up to encourage verbal communication among staff members. Body language and eye contact foster connections and encourage collaboration while enabling more dynamic information sharing and immediate feedback.

Face-to-face communication is still one of the most efficient ways to communicate ideas, but you must also make sure that all team members are at ease and have a chance to voice their perspectives.

5. Manage collaboration using the data.

The management of human resources can also benefit from communication approaches. Here are a few typical scenarios where effective corporate communication is necessary:

After a new employee, the onboarding process is crucial to the success of your recruitment since it involves swiftly explaining your company’s culture and key procedures.

  • Performance reviews: These should be efficiently communicated between managers and the HR department.
  • Management and employee relationships: Teamwork is more effective when managers can get open input from the workforce, and if Employees feel respected and engaged.
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The process of exchanging information at work both internally and externally, is referred to as business communication. In contrast to regular communication outside of the job, people usually have a goal in mind when they communicate at work. Preparation, repetition, and perseverance are necessary for effective communication. The “school of hard knocks,” often known as experience, is one approach to improving communication skills. However, in the business world, a “knock” (or lesson learned) could come at the expense of your reputation due to a botched client presentation.

When it comes to workplace communication, there is already a hierarchy in place, and both internal and external players have different roles and duties. As a result, there are 4 different categories of corporate communications:

  • Upward communication: When a subordinate requests information from their management or reports information to them, this is known as upward communication.
  • Downward communication: When a boss conveys information to their subordinates or transfers a request, this is known as downward communication.
  • Horizontal communication: Communication that takes place between team members or coworkers within a corporation is referred to as horizontal communication.
  • External communication: is the exchange of information between a corporation and the public. This encompasses a wide spectrum of external stakeholders, including clients and vendors.


An employee is said to have been discriminated against if they are treated significantly differently from other employees for reasons that are not specified in their employment agreement or that are in fact illegal.

Among the reasons for discrimination against workers in this nation include sex, age, ethnicity, religion, union membership, and political views. Positive discrimination, such as affirmative action, may be morally acceptable, although discrimination is typically difficult to defend or justify.

Despite the fact that Nigeria has adopted the ILO Equal Remuneration Convention of 1951 and the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention of 1958, it is clear that discrimination is not well protected in Nigeria. Anti-discrimination laws are not common.

Anti-discrimination legislation

The Nigerian constitution forbids discrimination based on origin, gender, religion, status, ethnic or linguistic association or ties. It is the responsibility of the state to promote national integration by providing adequate facilities, equal opportunities, and rights to all citizens without regard to race or ethnicity. Citizens of Nigeria must not be subjected to any disability or deprivation on the basis of discrimination.

There is no specific legal provision regarding discriminatory hiring practices. However, according to the Constitution, it is the duty of the state to provide equal opportunity for all citizens to secure adequate means of livelihood as well as adequate opportunity to secure suitable employment, without discrimination.

Additionally, the Labour Act expressly prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on their union membership. The Labour Act expressly prohibits discrimination against pregnant women.

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While risk management has always been an important component of the board’s agenda, the devastating financial crisis taught everyone just how critical it is. In recent years, several boards have taken a hard look at their membership, how they operate, and whether their activities and the information to which they have access are conducive to effective risk oversight.

This article suggests concepts to help boards improve their monitoring of the company’s risk management.

1. Recognize the company’s key success factors.

Understanding the business and industry, what drives value creation, how the business model works, and the significant concerns affecting the organization are essential for an effective risk management strategy.

2. Evaluate the risks associated with the company’s strategy.

This concept and the one preceding it are linked since they both focus on understanding the corporate strategy and the risks that come with it. This understanding gives a context for distinguishing the ordinary, continuing hazards of business management to identify the risks that truly matter.

3. Define the risk oversight role of the full board and its standing committees.

This is an important notion for directors to remember as they work together to explain risk supervision responsibilities for the full board and the various standing committees.

4. Determine whether the company’s risk management system, which includes people and processes, is appropriate and has adequate resources.

Risk is frequently an afterthought in planning, and risk management is an afterthought or “side activity” in performance management. This principle tackles concerns such as appropriately positioning the chief risk officer or an analogous executive to support the board’s oversight activities. It considers the sufficiency of various aspects of risk management, such as sourcing, measuring, mitigating, and monitoring risk through suitable policies, processes, people, reporting, techniques, systems, and data.

5. Collaborate with management to understand and agree on the types of risk information required by the board.

This principle is still a source of contention for many boards. Directors suffering from information overload must focus more intently on actionable data. Whether or whether quantitative models are used, reporting should provide many viewpoints on a given risk.

6. Keep a close eye on potential threats to the company’s culture and incentive structure.

This theory also leads to another financial crisis lesson: a company’s culture and incentive compensation structure can potentially influence risk-taking behaviors, decisions, and attitudes.

Because they reflect the shared values, goals, practices, and reinforcement mechanisms that embed risk into an organization’s decision-making processes and risk management into its operating processes, culture and incentives serve as the glue that holds all elements of the risk management infrastructure together.

7. Keep track of critical strategy, risk, controls, compliance, incentives, and people alignments.

This principle emphasizes the need of aligning important pieces to get everyone and everything on the same page—people, processes, and the organization. Without alignment, there is a possibility of a gap between a company’s strategy and its execution, which can be costly and harmful.

8. Evaluate the board’s risk oversight processes regularly:

Do they enable the board to meet its risk oversight objectives? The last principle calls for the risk oversight process to incorporate the best practice of periodic board self-evaluations.



What is customer communication?

Let us first establish that customer communication is the foundation of business success before delving into what it is.

Customer communication refers to the interactions of an organization with its customers. A brand identifies touchpoints and develops relationships with them(customers), using multiple channels such as phone, email, and live chat.

Do not mistake customer communication with customer communications, though.

The former relates to information sharing and the creation of relationships with people. While the latter are the channels through which we send data (e.g., phone, email, etc.)

The significance of customer communication

The significance may vary, but they all lead to three factors. Customer communication assists brands in increasing earnings, improving brand image, and positioning the company ahead of competition.

It is therefore best to begin by determining, who in your organization oversees customer communication. Is it the sales department or customer service representatives? Subsequently are these six essential strategies for effective customer communication into action.

1. Establish an omnichannel communication system.

The goal of omnichannel communication, is to provide customers with a consistent experience across several platforms. So, whether the client reaches you by email or social media, they will have the same positive experience.

2. Use chatbots to automate customer communication.

Waiting is the most aggravating thing for customers. As many as 75% of organizations report losing consumers because of long lines.

Bonus: Thankfully chatbots don’t get tired, so customers may obtain assistance at any time of day or night.

Chatbots are effective at resolving concerns for 87% of clients. That’s a significant amount of traffic redirected by your representatives! As a result, they can concentrate on tackling more difficult problems that chatbots cannot.

3. Improve customer onboarding and first-time communication

When your onboarding content is inviting and educational, about 88% of clients are more likely to remain loyal to your brand. Give your initial interaction a personal touch. Begin with a personalized welcome message, and then show the customer how to configure your product. When everything is in place, put on an interactive show of your features.

4. Measure customer satisfaction on a regular basis.

There are a few tried-and-true methods for assessing the quality of your customer support. Net Promoter Score, Customer Satisfaction Score, and Customer Effort Score are a few examples. But first, begin gathering client feedback. Request immediate feedback from your customers after each encounter.

5. Inform customers

Give your customers access to a knowledge base and a blog where you may offer industry insights. Educating your clients will assist you in establishing authority in your field and will benefit your SEO efforts.

6. Make the switch to proactive communication.

Proactive customer service is all about reaching out to customers and engaging them directly with your company. It offers value to a customer’s experience by forecasting potential problems, promptly assisting clients, and receiving timely feedback.

Companies that provide proactive customer service are seen favorably by approximately 68% of customers. As a result, even if you fail, they are more willing to forgive and forget.



Corporate governance is the structure that defines the business relationships that exist, between company shareholders, management teams, the Board of Directors, and all other relevant stakeholders. Corporate governance comprises the social and institutional components of a business. Simply described, it is the system in charge of directing and managing companies.

There are several reasons why corporate governance is important, but let’s start with the most obvious.

The Importance of Corporate Governance

Strong and effective corporate governance contributes to the development of an integrity-driven company culture, which leads to improved performance and a more sustainable corporation overall. Essentially, it exists to raise the accountability of all individuals and teams within your firm, striving to prevent mistakes from occurring in the first place.

It is one thing to have operational corporate governance; it is quite another to have effective operational corporate governance. Here are pointers to establishing a functional and effective corporate governance system.

1. Recognize that effective governance is more than just compliance.

Boards must strike a balance between conformance (compliance with legislation, regulation, and codes of practice) and performance components of their work (i.e., improving the performance of the organization through strategy formulation and policy making). A board must develop its position and understanding of the primary functions it performs, in comparison to those performed by management as part of this process.

2. Keep track of organizational performance

Monitoring organizational performance is an important board duty, and maintaining legal compliance is a big part of that. Both ensure that corporate decisions are in line with the organization’s strategy and the expectations of the owners. This is best accomplished by defining the organization’s primary performance drivers and developing appropriate measurements of success.

3. Recognize that risk governance is a board responsibility.

Another critical responsibility of the board is to establish a solid system of risk oversight, management, and internal control. Effective risk management promotes improved decision-making by providing a greater understanding of the risk-reward trade-offs that all organizations encounter.

4. Establish and sustain an efficient governance infrastructure

Because the board is ultimately responsible for all of an organization’s activities and decisions, particular policies to guide organizational behavior must be in place. It is also crucial for the board to adopt delegation procedures to guarantee the line of duty between the board and management is clearly defined.

5. Evaluate board and director performance and look for ways to improve.

If boards are to govern effectively, they must be cognizant of their own strengths and flaws. Board effectiveness can only be measured if the board evaluates its own performance as well as that of individual directors on a regular basis. A board and director evaluation can result in improvements to areas as broad as board processes, director skills, competencies, motivation, and even boardroom relationships.

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How To Recover Company Information



How To Recover Company Information

Tips For Data Recover

In the twenty-first century, data is at the heart of most company activities. Considering this, every company should have a fundamental grasp of the significance of internal information recovery, should anything happen to the information they rely on. To secure information or to retrieve it if it is lost or damaged, there are frequently easy, doable procedures that may be performed. There are crucial measures that businesses may take to protect data. It is occasionally required to consult data recovery experts. Businesses however ought to be capable of managing the safeguarding and data recovery procedures on their own.

Here are a few pointers that will be useful in the event of a data breach:

  1. Safeguarding Against Data Loss – Data loss may be emotionally taxing for a business, particularly if it’s vital to operations or if it involves sensitive information that clients have trusted you with. The fact that the entire business is dependent on this information, terror is a totally understandable reaction if it goes. However, it’s not always a good one. You can take measures to aid in the first prevention of data loss. This is a crucial starting point.
  2. Plan for Data Loss – What would you do if your business lost vital operating data? When you’re not under the natural strain that comes with this issue, it is the perfect moment to think about this. You can prepare a contingency plan in advance with detailed instructions for such an occasion. You can download free data recovery software on your computer in advance if you want to. Although these tools’ capabilities are restricted when compared to a data recovery business, they would add an extra layer of security.
  3. Create backups on an external hard drive or flash drive – It is safer when crucial operational data is spread across several places. Comfort can be derived from knowing your data is backed up, if you make it a practice to do so daily, weekly, or monthly. Knowing that your data is stored in other places in case your computer breaks down can help you avoid the initial fear. This can mean the difference between being able to carry on with your daily operations and not.
  4. Cloud Storage – This is a simple approach to storing data in a location that won’t be affected by things like hackers, damaged hardware, corrupted hard drives, or broken gadgets. There is a reason why so many manufacturers of computers and mobile devices provide their own brand of cloud storage. There have been concerns raised regarding the security of data stored in the cloud, however, most platforms use encryption—a sophisticated technique that encrypts and safeguards data.
  5. Software and Tools for Data Recovery – When you know where to look and how you can usually find your files. There are options for data recovery as long as they weren’t destroyed or removed using a secure data deletion program. In many cases, it is possible to locate and recover files even after they have been removed from the recycling bin. The majority of the file still exists unless it has been totally replaced with new data. With the use of free data recovery software, lost data may frequently be restored, but the procedure is frequently time-consuming and complex. Although the software has a chance to be useful, there are risks involved if you don’t know what you’re doing.
  6. Professional data recovery is essential since data loss may be fatal for a company. As a result, many firms shut down. Your operations must recover quickly and completely to remain operational. A company that specializes in data recovery has probably encountered a situation like yours. They frequently find novel ways to obtain data that was previously assumed to be unavailable.

Lastly, always keep in mind that data is the foundation of your company. Your company depends on it to survive and thrive. For companies searching for a speedy turnaround, professional data recovery specialists offer the most dependable solution. They frequently have the most creative recovery methods and can deliver the finest outcomes.

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5 Ways Human Capital Management Will Benefit Your Company